IV Therapy

IV Therapy at TMA

TMA provides IV therapy services to be used with or without our skin care treatments.
These treatments have the ability to:

  • Strengthen your skin, hair, and nails
  • Help your immunity
  • Boost your energy
  • Increase energy recovery
  • Improve your mental clarity
  • Reduce stress

We have partnered with Olympia Pharmaceuticals for our IV Cocktails. For more information, you can visit the link below.

Enhance the Benefits of Your Skin Treatments

IV therapy products work synergistically with our skin treatments, and we are combining them for this benefit. Glutathione, in particular, is called a “master anti-oxidant,” because of its versatility within the body. We use glutathione in our IV formulations during your skin treatments to assist in the skin rejuvenation process. Glutathione will help to bring out the healthy glow in your skin.

Improve Your Immunity

As a medical spa, we are interested in preventing disease and sickness. We have a variety of cocktails that contain B complex vitamins, calcium, and magnesium. These not only strengthen your immunity but may help with neurologic, digestive, and mental health issues. Vitamin C helps to assist the adrenal glands boost energy level and immunity. Glutathione has additional functions in the immune system.

Vitamin IV Infusion Therapies: Delivered via IV for 100% consumption of vitamins minerals and hydration.

Myers Cocktail: $150

The “Gold Standard” for overall wellness. It helps reduce stress, improves mood, reduce inflammation and it restores overall balance. It contains…(Magnesium, Super B complex, Calcium, Gluconate and Ascorbic Acid).

Recovery: $175

Decrease recovery time and enhance your performance. It contains…
(Ascorbic Acid, Vita-Complex, Amino Blend and Mineral blend).

Quench: $145

Hydrate and combat fatigue from dehydration. It helps reduce inflammation, improves circulation and helps detoxify system. It contains…
(Ascorbic Acid, Vita-Complex, and Mineral blend).

Brainstorm: $200

Improves cognitive functions, information processing, learning and memory. Stay more focused. It contains… (Folic acid w/ B12, L-Taurine and Alpha Lipoic Acid).

Beauty: $135

Fight acne, wrinkles and tired skin from the inside out. Help improve skin, hair nails. It contains… (Ascorbic Acid, Vita-Complex and Biotin).

Get up and Go: $150

It helps burn fat, feel energized and boost your metabolism. It contains… (Vita-Complex and Amino Blend).

Immunity: $140

Boost your immune system and feel better faster. It contains… (Ascorbic Acid, Vita-Complex and Zinc Chloride).

Reboot: $150

Ease hangover, nausea, headache and dehydration. It contains… (Ondansetron, Vita-Complex, Mineral blend).

NAD: (Nicontinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (2 hour drip) (Advance Notice Required) $500

NAD is essential for providing the body with nutritionally backed energy release, which occurs through fast absorbing in the liver. From an increase in NAD, one can experience, reduce signs of aging, maintenance of cell integrity, regeneration of cells, increase mental clarity, Increase cognitive function, concentration, memory, increases alertness and helps lower risks of chronic diseases.

Flexible Evening &
Weekend Appointments

Contact us directly to request special evening and weekend appointments.